Are You Singing the Dad-Bod Blues?

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The growing popularity of Mommy Makeovers among women has many men wondering, “What can plastic surgery do for me?” The answer to this question is A LOT! For example, men who find certain body parts like their arms, chest, abdomen, and waist drooping due to losing a significant amount of weight or aging have several options to correct their areas of concern. 

The number of men turning to plastic surgery to enhance their bodies, boost confidence, and defy the signs of aging is increasing daily. The evolving landscape of male plastic surgery encompasses a spectrum of treatments designed to sculpt the body and redefine masculinity.

A man's body is marked up prior to plastic surgery for recontouring.

This comprehensive review will detail several cosmetic procedures available for men to end the dad-bod blues and improve their physiques. The following surgeries can be performed alone or with other cosmetic procedures.

5 Body Contouring Procedures to Sculpt the Masculine Form

Men, like women, may seek body contouring procedures (a Daddy Makeover) to address areas resistant to diet and exercise. From stubborn fat deposits to lax skin, plastic surgery offers tailored solutions to sculpt the ideal masculine physique:

  1. Liposuction for Added Definition

Liposuction is a popular choice for men looking to refine body contours by eliminating excess fat, enhancing muscle definition, and achieving a more defined appearance. Common treatment areas include the abdomen, flanks, and thighs.

A thin tube called a cannula is attached to a medical vacuum device to suction away fat while the surgeon sculpts the treatment area.

  1. Abdominoplasty for Core Transformation

For those desiring a comprehensive transformation of their belly and waist, abdominoplasty or a tummy tuck can be a game-changer. 

A tummy tuck involves the surgeon making an incision above the groin to access the core muscles and tighten them while removing excess skin and sculpting a flatter, more toned midsection. This procedure is often combined with liposuction for fat removal.

  1. Gynecomastia Surgery for a Masculine Chest 

Gynecomastia, a condition characterized by enlarged male breast tissue, can lead to self-consciousness and a decrease in confidence. Male breast reduction surgery is a transformative solution designed to sculpt a more masculine chest. 

Surgeons employ various techniques, including liposuction and the surgical removal of excess glandular tissue, to correct gynecomastia. The choice depends on the severity of gynecomastia and the patient’s unique needs.

  1. Total Body Lift for Major Weight Loss and Post-Bariatric Patients

Post-weight loss surgery is often the only answer for men who have undergone significant weight loss. A full-body lift combines an upper-body lift, abdominoplasty, and a lower-body lift. These procedures are performed together to remove excess skin, tighten underlying tissues, and provide transformative results for a smoother, more contoured, streamlined physique.

An upper body lift for men is highly customizable but typically includes surgeries to lift and tighten: 

  • Upper arms
  • Armpits
  • Chest

A lower body lift includes surgeries to improve contours in the hip area and thighs, while abdominoplasty addresses the core muscles, residual fat, and excess abdominal skin.

  1. Arm Lift for a Slimmer Summer  

An arm lift (brachioplasty) is the fastest and often only way to remove excess skin and stubborn fat from the upper arms. Liposuction can remove the fat but is less effective for addressing loose, sagging skin. An arm lift is commonly combined with liposuction to recontour the upper arms and provide more masculine definition.

Arm lift surgery allows men to wear short sleeves and tank tops confidently and, when combined with other body contouring procedures, provides a balanced appearance for an ideal outcome.

These cosmetic surgeries are usually performed under general anesthesia. However, minor liposuction procedures may require only regional anesthetic and sedation.

Beyond the Dad-Bod

While a Daddy Makeover focuses on a man’s body, some men may also be interested in facial rejuvenation. Cosmetic surgeries on the body can be combined, as can facial procedures. 

However, facial plastic surgery should not be performed at the same time as a surgical body contouring procedure. The following facial cosmetic surgeries can provide dramatic results:

  • Facelift surgery Men who want to address sagging skin, loss of facial volume, and deep wrinkles can benefit from facelift surgery. 
  • Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) – Droopy upper eyelids and puffy under-eye bags can be eliminated with eyelid surgery.
  • Neck lift – the dreaded turkey neck can be smoothed and tightened during a facelift or as a stand-alone surgery.
  • Chin augmentation – a weak chin is a common concern for men who desire a stronger, more masculine jawline, and chin augmentation provides the solution.
  • Nose job (rhinoplasty) – Men with naturally large or asymmetric noses or who have experienced injuries that affected the appearance of their noses can achieve a balanced facial appearance with rhinoplasty.

Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatments for Men

Men don’t always need a surgical procedure to address their cosmetic concerns. The following less invasive treatments can address milder body and facial issues:

Maximizing Your Masculine Plastic Surgery Experience

Embarking on a plastic surgery journey requires careful consideration and personalized guidance. A consultation with a qualified surgeon is essential to discuss goals, assess candidacy, and tailor a treatment plan.

Choose a Qualified Surgeon

Selecting an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon ensures expertise in both the art and science of male plastic surgery. Credentials, reviews, and before-and-after photos are valuable indicators of a surgeon’s skill.

Set Realistic Expectations

It’s essential for men considering plastic surgery to have realistic expectations. A consultation provides an opportunity to discuss potential outcomes, recovery, and any concerns.

The Importance of Recovery and Aftercare Following Plastic Surgery

After surgery, complying with post-operative instructions is vital to reduce the risk of complications and ensure satisfying results. A smooth recovery entails following personalized guidelines for activities, medications, and follow-up appointments to monitor progress. 

Another crucial aspect of surgery and recovery is not smoking, as nicotine can increase bleeding and interfere with recovery.

Daddy Makeovers in San Francisco, California 

Are you ready to address signs of aging or the after-effects of significant weight loss with plastic surgery in San Francisco? Call Dr. Delgado’s Novato or San Francisco office at (415) 898-4161 today and schedule your Daddy Makeover consultation.

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Dr. Miguel Delgado


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

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