How To Best Plan For Your Cosmetic Plastic Surgery
February 15, 2017
Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center
A frequent question that cosmetic surgery patients ask is: “What do I need to do to plan for my surgery?” Dr. Miguel Delgado, M. D. is always happy to hear patients ask this question as their participation is crucial to obtaining the best outcome for their procedure.
Understandably patients are nervous at the preoperative appointment, many times verbal instructions are soon forgotten. Dr. Delgado designed an informative booklet that is presented to all of his patients for reference. However, when in doubt the office and Dr. Delgado are just a phone call away.
The comprehensive booklet of almost 40 pages contains a table of contents divided into sections. Preparing for surgery has directions for; “Starting Now,” and “The Day Before Surgery,” and “The Morning of Surgery.”
“Starting Now” includes details on:
• Cessation of smoking, multivitamin consumption, aspirin usage, vitamin E limitations, laboratory tests, prescription fills
“The Day Before Surgery” includes details on:
• Confirmation of surgery time, prescriptions, bathing, eating and drinking limitations
“The Morning of Surgery” includes details on:
• Special information, oral hygiene, cleansing, make-up, clothing, check in/preparation
The next three pages of the booklet list many medications, supplements and herbal remedies that must be avoided two weeks before and two weeks after surgery. The reason these must be avoided is that they interfere with healing and many slow down blood clotting which can cause complications during and after surgery. Keep in mind this is not a complete list, and any medications or supplements that you take must be cleared by Dr. Delgado. Tylenol is allowed for pain relief.
Many patients are surprised to see some of the things that need to be avoided. For example, on the list are:
- Alka-Seltzer, Pepto-Bismol, Vanquish, Sine-off, Sinutab, Motrin, Midol, Actifed, Vitamin E, Raw Garlic, Vitamin-boosted Drinks, Fish Oil, Ginkgo Biloba, Melatonin, Echinacea, St. John’s Wart and many more.
In the next section “Going to Our Operating Facility,” there is a description of the operating suite and the recovery room followed by post-surgery arrangements. Dr. Delgado’s patient coordinator would be happy to give patients a tour of the surgery center.
Included are general surgical risks and complications, and then risks that are specific to the procedure(s), whether it is for a face lift, breast augmentation, gynecomastia surgery or any other cosmetic procedure.
There is a copy of the surgical consent form for the patient’s record.
There are detailed post-operative instructions that include; dressings, drains, bathing, ice packs, diet, driving, follow up appointments. Additionally, what the patient can expect as they heal.
Policies regarding financial arrangements, cancellation and revision surgeries are addressed.
Directions to the surgery center with a map are included.
Lastly, there is a four page guide that gives detailed information and recommendations on nutrition and the effect it has on wound healing.
Dr. Delgado believes prepared patients have an easier surgery and faster recovery. Call (415) 898-4161 or email today for a consultation for your desired cosmetic plastic surgical procedure.