Tear Trough Treatment Options
April 19, 2018
Before and After Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty
The most important feature of the face are the eyes, it is what most people notice first. Botox has been proven to be an excellent treatment for fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, but what about under the eyes? If left untreated, the tear troughs can make a patient look tired, rundown, and add many years to their face.
The tear troughs are from the top of the cheekbone to under the eyes. This happens from aging due to loss of facial volume and tissue elasticity, giving a hollow look and sometimes dark circles. Besides being caused by aging, for some it may be genetic and can affect people even in their twenties.
For patients who are not ready for lower eyelid surgery, Juvederm Volbella is an excellent filler that is done as an office procedure in about 30 minutes. If for some reason the patient does not like the results, an injection can be given to dissolve it. This rarely happens but is good for patients to know if they are reluctant about having the treatment.
Before the injection, numbing cream with lidocaine is used for patient comfort. Using both injections and a blunt-tipped cannula, there is significantly less bruising and swelling than with injections alone. Juvederm Volbella fills in the tear trough and for many the filler will last a year and for some, even longer.
Dr. Miguel Delgado, M.D. advises patients not to wear makeup for 24 hours and to avoid exercise for 48 hours.
Not everyone is a candidate for Juvederm Volbella, if there is too much sagging skin or fat deposits other methods need to be considered.
Call today for a consultation with Dr. Delgado at (415) 898-4161 to find out if this would be a solution for you!