“What is Drop and Fluff After Breast Augmentation?”
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Many women are concerned about the shape of their breasts shortly after breast augmentation. This is understandable, especially when a woman makes the decision to get a breast augmentation, and the look is not at all what she expected. Plastic surgeons tell their patients that they must be patient and that the shape and sometimes the size will be changing with time.
Right after surgery, the implants usually sit higher on the chest and appear very full and swollen in the upper pole, (the area above the nipples.) It usually takes 3 to 4 months for the body to create new skin to accommodate the breast implants; this is known as “tissue expansion.” With the help of gravity, the implants will settle into their new position. The volume of the implant moves from the upper breast to the lower breast for a more natural look.

This is a 36-year-old, female resident of San Francisco who presented to the San Francisco office at Union Square for evaluation for breast enhancement. She is 5 feet 3 inches tall and 120 pounds. She is the mother of one child. She underwent bilateral breast augmentation using Mentor normal-saline breast implants with a base size of 300 ccs inflated up to 325 ccs bilaterally. The approach was a peri-areolar incision with sub muscular placement of the breast implants. The procedure was performed at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Marin County, California. She went from a size A to a C-.
*Results may vary
Most breast implants are placed behind the muscle and referred to as “sub-muscular.” The muscle provides soft tissue coverage but the space behind the muscle is tight and can take a while to stretch out and allow the implant to drop into place, or what is referred to as “drop and fluff”. As the shape and appearance change, the breast will soften and become more round and natural looking. Massaging the breasts can help speed up the settling of the implants.
As everything starts to relax and stretch, the lower pole fills out with the implant. Imagine pressing the palm of your hand down on a soft rubber ball, and it flattens out, and then as you slowly release it, it goes back to its round shape. Some women end up with larger appearing breasts as they drop into place and “fluff out.”
The process can be short or may take 6 months or more; it is different for everyone. Miguel Delgado, M.D. advises his patients to wait before investing in new bras until the breasts have dropped into place as the size will most likely change.
If you are considering breast augmentation, call today (415 898-4161) or email (info@dr-delgado.com) for a consultation with Miguel Delgado, M.D., who has been a breast surgery specialist since 1988.