The Facelift Patient Who Plans Ahead Has a Faster Recovery
Dr. Delgado encourages all his patients that have scheduled surgeries such as; facelifts, mommy makeover, tummy tuck, gynecomastia surgery, breast augmentation, breast revision, liposuction, etc. to take an active role in preparing for their surgery. It has been proven that they usually have an easier time through the recovery period, surprisingly, there is a lot that can be done to participate in their cosmetic surgery experience.
An important consideration for the patient is weight loss. It is preferable for you to be at your goal weight, because if you lose weight after surgery, there could be some undesirable laxity of the facial skin, and skin tightening is one of the major goals. This is not to say weight loss is necessary, as long as you are at a weight you are comfortable with that you can maintain.
Before and After Face Lift Surgery
*Results may vary
Smoking must be discontinued at least two to four weeks prior to surgery, and not resumed for two to four weeks after. Hopefully, if you quit for this amount of time, you won’t start again, as it is very detrimental to your health and your skin. Nicotine interferes with oxygen reaching the treatment areas and therefore a nicotine patch is not allowed.
It will be necessary to wait a month after surgery if you want to color your hair, so having it done just prior to surgery is recommended if this is a concern.
Before surgery can take place, you need to be in good health. A history and physical will be done at the preoperative visit, but if you have any specific health issues, they must be addressed and cleared to ensure your safety. Maintaining a healthy diet will aid in a faster recovery, focus on lean protein, lots of vegetables and fruit, both before and after surgery. Avoid salt as much as possible as it may lead to swelling. By planning ahead, fixing healthy meals, and freezing them will make mealtime easy. Keep in mind that soft foods are recommended for the first few days. Have lots of fresh water within reach and stay hydrated.
Plan ahead for where you will be most comfortable during your recovery, keeping in mind that you want to have your head elevated to minimize swelling. Many patients choose to be in a recliner so that not only is the head elevated, but the feet and knees can be lifted as well for more comfort. If you don’t have a recliner, you might find one at a thrift shop or garage sale and then donate it after your recovery. If you can’t get a recliner, a wedge type cushion for the back and head works well, and you may find it more comfortable to place a pillow under your knees. Have a small table next to you for miscellaneous items such as a remote control for the T.V., a speaker phone would be handy and a place for you to have snacks and drinks.
Think about your wardrobe choices ahead of time, keeping in mind that clothes that open in the front are preferable. Do not choose anything that may need to go over your head. Select shoes that are easy to slip on and off.
You will need to have a friend or family member pick you up from surgery and stay with you for a day or two to assist you in taking medications on time, meal preparation and possible support walking to and from the bathroom. You may feel a little dizzy from the anesthesia for a short time; you do not want to fall.
Placing ice on your face intermittently for the first couple of days will help with swelling and bruising, especially if you had eyelid surgery. A bag of frozen vegetables such as peas works well. It is important to get plenty of rest, do not try to do any housework or lift any heavy objects. You need to wait two to three weeks before taking hot showers, saunas or get into a hot tub. When brushing your hair, be gentle, no tugging especially at the hairline.
After one week, makeup can be applied. You may want to schedule an appointment prior to your surgery with Dr. Delgado’s esthetician; she will be able to give you makeup tips to hide any remaining bruising.
At your preoperative visit, you will be given an extensive booklet of information with before and after surgery instructions. Included will be a detailed list of medications and supplements that must be avoided two weeks before and two weeks after surgery that contain blood thinners. Blood thinners can cause many problems in the healing process. Take a complete list of ALL medications, herbs and supplements that you take to your preoperative visit for Dr. Delgado to review.
You will be given prescriptions at your preoperative visit such as; antibiotics, pain medications, etc., be sure to have these filled ahead of time and ready for you at home when you return from surgery.
It is recommended that you write down any questions you may have for Dr. Delgado before your preoperative visit, it is easy to forget once you are at your appointment. However, do not hesitate to call the office at any time if you have concerns. Dr. Delgado wants you to be as relaxed as possible going in for surgery, no question is considered unimportant, he wants you to be comfortable and have a positive surgery experience.
You will receive a phone call from Dr. Gaynor, the Board Certified Anesthesiologist on Dr. Delgado’s team the night before surgery. Dr. Gaynor will want to review your medical history and answer any questions you may have of him.
Be sure to read the patient testimonials of Dr. Delgado’s, it will help put your mind at ease!